The Weblog
This page contains the latest news and event information. All blogs are archived here as well.
The market is open for orders.
Good morning friends. The market is open for ordering and the goodies abound. We have a new supply of ground lamb, ground beef and chuck roasts in the freezer. We also have baby back and spare ribs in the freezer.
We are mostly sold out of cheese but do have a 5 lb block of cheddar cheese if you want to freeze some for later use. I grate it and freeze it loose then bag it after it freezes.
The laying hens have really slowed down so no eggs are listed on the market. They will be processed on the 24th. If you have any laying hens that aren’t laying and you don’t want to process them, let me know and we will try to help you out.
Several of you have asked about getting the jars to Cherokee Market after our market closes. Continue to bring your jars here and I will take them to cherokee market after we close. I will finish working out the details with Lisa as to where you are to leave your jars and where to pick up the milk in her store. I am so thankful she is willing to do this so we can keep getting our wonderful milk.
Blessing to all, see you Wednesday,
Mary Beth
Don't forget to place your orders.
The market closes at 8:00pm. Please place your orders so that you can pick up some of the freshest, tastiest foods around.
The chickens are molting which is effecting production. If I have extra eggs, I will make them available first come, first serve on Wednesday.
I forgot to mention we have pork stew meat available for sale. It is from the hams of the hogs and make great kabobs and can be used in any recipe calling for beef stew meat.
Thank you for buying locally grown.
Mary Beth
The on-line market is open for ordering.
Good morning. I hope you are up to enjoy this glorious sunrise! The Master created it especially for us.
BUTTER. We got a large shipment yesterday, mostly salted but some unsalted. This will most likely be our last shipment so please feel free to stock up. For those that want to continue getting butter, I will be glad to ord=ganize an order for us to split.
We just processed some more pigs and have corizo and italian sausage in the freezer. Yum. We also have ribs, pork tenderloin roasts, and beautiful fatback. This fat does not have skin on it which makes it very easy to render into lard. It is $2/lb.
Holden Creek Farm is taking reservations for holiday turkeys. The price is $ for pasture raised, heritage turkeys. You can contact them directly at
Mary Beth
Don't forget to place your orders.
Happy Fall Day today! Isn’t it just lovely outside?
Please don’t forget to get your orders in before the market closes at 8:00pm.
Mary Beth
The market is open for ordering.
Good morning. The market is now open for ordering so jump in and start shopping. Stay dry friends.
Mary beth
Change is in the air.
Dear friends,
I was able to speak to many of you in person yesterday but wanted to share with all of you that we will be closing the JNAFarm on line market. Our final day will be October 28th. This has not been an easy decision to make but one that made itself after all the facts were gathered. I will miss you loyal patrons so much. The weekly visits, hugs and laughter cannot be replaced. I thank you so much for allowing me into your beautiful lives. I have gained so much knowledge from you, so much wisdom and wonderful recipes. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, thank you, for allowing me this gift.
I do hope you will continue to support the many farmers and artisans during this closing period. We will have the vendors share with you where you can continue to find their products once we close. Several of the vendors will be offering specials the last 2 weeks of the market so make some room in your freezers to take advantage of those opportunities.
I have spoken to Sam at Cedar Rock Dairy and to Lisa at Cherokee Market. She has volunteered to take on the milk! Many of you asked about this yesterday and I was still working on the details so here goes; many of you have standing orders with CRD, he will deliver those weekly or bi-weekly according to your schedule. If you do not want milk, text him and let him know to cancel or change your order. If you want to order milk on a variable basis, text him when you do want milk. Text him BEFORE 12:00pm on Monday’s. He will deliver to the market on Tuesday and you can pick up Wednesdays or later. The store hours are 9-7 daily. You will pay Lisa for your milk and she will pay Sam. You will leave your jars as you have done here for Bennie to pick up the following week when he delivers. Let me know if I am confusing you ;-)
I pray blessings over each of you and thank you again for all the love and support over the years.
Warmest regards,
Mary Beth Sellars
Joyful Noise Acres Farm
Don't forget to place your orders before 8:00pm.
The market closes at 8 so get those orders in. Beautiful fall vegetables, lots of fresh milk, fresh cheeses, delicious meats, plenty of bones for broth, delicious, guilt free pastries and breads, and a few guilt laden ones.
Thank you for supporting our local farmers and artisans.
See you Wednesday,
Mary Beth
The on-line market is open for ordering.
Good morning and welcome to the on line market. Please take a few minutes to browse the offerings. We have a couple of vendors that will not be updating until tomorrow as they are out of town.
Thank you for supporting your local growers and artisans.
Mary Beth
Reminder to place your orders before 8:00pm.
Don’t forget to place your orders for this week. The market closes at 8:00pm. Fall vegetables are coming in with collards, sweet dumpling squash, and onions. We also have a wonderful variety of prepared foods using seasonal items.
Have fun shopping and we look forward to seeing you Wedensday.
Mary Beth
The on line market is open for ordering.
Greens, glorious greens! The fall crops are quietly coming in and I am so excited. Kale salad, collard greens and sausage, roasted cabbage and brussel sprouts…the list goes on. I can’t wait to see what GA Farm to Table has for us this week. They will be updating the market as soon as their growers report what is available this week.
Don’t forget to place your orders for Elderberry syrup this week. Dena will deliver in October but needs to know how much to bring.
We currently have unsalted butter but no salted. I have placed another order for salted but it may be a few weeks before it is ready.
Thank you for making the effort to support locally grown foods. Every dollar really does make a difference to your farmers.
Mary Beth