The Weblog
This page contains the latest news and event information. All blogs are archived here as well.
The on-line market is open for ordering.
Good morning. I hope you are up to enjoy this glorious sunrise! The Master created it especially for us.
BUTTER. We got a large shipment yesterday, mostly salted but some unsalted. This will most likely be our last shipment so please feel free to stock up. For those that want to continue getting butter, I will be glad to ord=ganize an order for us to split.
We just processed some more pigs and have corizo and italian sausage in the freezer. Yum. We also have ribs, pork tenderloin roasts, and beautiful fatback. This fat does not have skin on it which makes it very easy to render into lard. It is $2/lb.
Holden Creek Farm is taking reservations for holiday turkeys. The price is $ for pasture raised, heritage turkeys. You can contact them directly at
Mary Beth