The Weblog
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Honey, Syrup, Butter and Beef
Hi friends,
It is time to place our orders again so please read carefully as there is a quite a bit to share. I cannot attach files to this e-mail so please e-mail me at and I will send you the forms to order honey and syrup.
Attached is the form for honey orders, please return this to me promptly. I always worry someone will miss the cut off and try to extend the order but can’t do that this year as we order at the same time as 2 other co-ops order. This will be the only honey order this year. Instead of doing 2 orders, we will do just one so please consider that when ordering.
We are ordering maple syrup at this time also so please complete the form and return it also. The syrup will not be in until April, most likely, but I have to get the order and payment in at the same time.
We will not have butter until the end of March when the cows freshen again. If you would like to get butter, e-mail me with the quantity you want and I will reserve it for you when it arrives, first come first served depending on how much we can get. You will pay for it at that time. This butter freezes so nicely. It is $6.50/pound.
Allison of Four Mile Farm has 2 cows being processed and has a great deal on grass fed, grass finished beef. This is the beef you have been buying through us. She is offering 20 pounds of mixed cuts, roasts and ground beef, for $6.50/lb and 30 pounds for $6.00/lb. Please go to her website and order directly from her,
Thank you all for being a part of our farm family. It has been a pleasure to grow for you and help you access clean food. However, this will be the last order I will place for our co-op. You can order directly from Old State Farm for the syrup but at the retail price, you can also visit Blue Ridge Honey Company in Lakemont, Georgia to purchase honey direct from them. Suzanne Geddes of The Cumming Harvest will have butter and cheese from Meadow Valley Farm if you are interested in purchasing these products.
I will e-mail you when the honey comes in as it will be here sooner than the syrup. Please make arrangements to pick it up on the dates specified in that e-mail. Same for the syrup.
Mary Beth