The Weblog
This page contains the latest news and event information. All blogs are archived here as well.
Don't forget to order.
So, I defrosted and organized 3 freezers yesterday. They look so nice and I can actually find many items that were lost. Among them were some smoked bacon ends, smoked jowl and beef and lamb organ meats. It is broth time and we have plenty of bones. We also have sliced ham shanks and sliced leg shanks. The ham shanks are very meaty.
We also have hogs ready to go to the processor if anyone is interested in stocking their freezer. The cost is $4.00/lb half hog and $3.50/lb. whole hog, hanging weight plus the cost of processing, which is about $100 for a whole hog. Just let me know if you are interested.
See you Wednesday.
Mary Beth.