The Weblog
This page contains the latest news and event information. All blogs are archived here as well.
Honey time, New Driveway
It is time to order honey again. For those interested, this is a cooperative effort in which we order honey from Blue Ridge Honey Company. We get a great price on honey on great honey.
If you are interested in ordering, e-mail me and I will e-mail you an order form…I cannot get the form attached into this e-mail.
We have Clover, Wildflower, Blueberry, American Holley and Galberry to choose from.
I need the orders back before the 12th and the honey will be delivered around the end of the 3rd week in August. I will send an e-mail reminder when it is delivered.
Our new neighbors have been extremely busy and we have been blessed by their efforts in the form of a new driveway. They will put the finishing touches on it this week. It is now very wide most of the way to the farm so no more worrying if you are going to meet someone on the road and have to back up or pull over and fall over the embankment. We hope you will come visit us soon.
Blessings to all,
Mary Beth