The Weblog
This page contains the latest news and event information. All blogs are archived here as well.
Important notice.
Many of our vendors require a minimum amount ordered to be able to justify delivering to our co-op. Orders have been low for Cedar Rock Dairy over the last month. Unfortunately, if our orders don’t increase we will lose this wonderful vendor. We have not been able to find milk to compare to Cedar Rock.
It takes a lot of work to provide the quality of the products found on our market. The growers and artisans offer us the best products to support the healthy choices we are making. Please consider showing your support for these vendors by ordering their products. Your food dollars matter greatly to these vendors.
When we established this on-line market, it was a way to centralize your food gathering. Bring the farmers to you versus you finding each farmer and running around to source food. Also, we operate on a trust level. We know the farmers practices and they are completely open about how they raise their produce, animals and make their products. You can trust you are getting what you pay for. The same cannot be said for what you buy at the grocery store or even some local produce stores.
Thank you,
Mary Beth