The Weblog

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JNA Farm market is open for ordering.

Hello Springtime! Have you noticed all the blossoms? The fruit trees are putting on a show and so is the forsythia. The bees are all over the place, getting fat and happy with the abundance of pollen. Gotta love Spring.
Vegetables are trickling in this week, we have kale, turnips with roots, salad greens available on the extra table and maybe a few more surprises.

Two Daughters Bakery is busy baking this week and has an adorable lamb shaped cake that will be the centerpiece of any spring celebration. If you have not tasted her decadent desserts, you should.

Four Mile Farm has Lamb shoulder steaks, ground lamb and a leg of lamb available this week and Joyful Noise Acres Farm has a few hams available.

Has anyone noticed more cream on the milk? Spring grasses are nourishing the cows and the milk is benefitting. Tell your pets to drink up! We are so grateful to Cedar Rock Dairy for providing this to us. If you are ever down towards Butler, GA, look Sam up and tour the farm. He loves to show off his cows and his cows are always showing off.

Thank you for supporting locally grown foods and farmers.

Mary Beth