The Weblog
This page contains the latest news and event information. All blogs are archived here as well.
Don't forget to order.
The market closes at 8:oo p.m. so please get your orders in.
Saturday, we had a wonderful class on the fermentation of vegetables. We learned so much and ate very well. Thank you to all that attended and especially to Marty Martinez for sharing his vast knowledge. He made something very unfamiliar and seemingly daunting, simple, doable, and delicious. Next month, March 7th, we will be learning about water and milk kefir, kombucha and yogurts. If you want a kombucha scoby, one of our clients has plenty and is willing to share. She will bring it to the market if you let us know ahead of time that you want one.
Have a beautiful week and we will see you Wednesday.
Mary Beth