The Weblog
This page contains the latest news and event information. All blogs are archived here as well.
The market is open for ordering.
I know it is early but I will hit the ground running in the morning so thought I would get a head start with the market.
We have a new order of cheese to come in. I did order extra cheddar since that seems to sell out the quickest. We will have fresh butter Wednesday afternoon most likely but still have a few available until then.
We are blessed to have another source for our lamb. Cedar Rock Dairy provides us with grass fed and finished lamb. They have a lot of organ meat right now if anyone is interested. Lamb and beef hearts, kidneys, tongue, and oxtail. If you are interested in those, let me know. We hope to have a supply of bones delivered next week so ask for them when you come by on Wednesday.
Simply Oh! continues to supply us with her wonderful personal care items. From handmade soaps and shampoos to household cleaners, she keeps it clean and organic.
Good Shepherd Herbals will be delivering Elderberry Syrup in 2 weeks. Please go ahead and pre-order so that she will know how many more to bring. We are so grateful that she continues to supply the market although they have moved.
If you know of someone that would like to join our market as a grower or client, please refer them. We love to grow!
Mary Beth