This market has permanently closed. Please visit “Our Growers” tab to contact any vendors you would like to buy from. Thank you for your patronage.
Our Mission:
Joyful Noise Acres Farm Locally Grown is a group of small farms and gardeners located around Ball Ground, Georgia. Each grower farms their land using strict standards to ensure that everything produced is chemical-free. If we cannot locate a source for an item locally, we will look further out to find the organically produced items. All member farms are dedicated to supplying their customers with the freshest and highest quality vegetables, dairy, eggs, meats, fruits, and coffee. Participating farms vary in size and specialty, but all carry the common thread of dedication to community, environment, health and education. VISIT US ON FACEBOOK!
Our History:
Joyful Noise Acres Farm grew from a backyard garden with a few hens for eggs to supplying local residents with fresh chicken and eggs. We have long enjoyed connecting with other farms for items we don’t produce such as honey, maple syrup and nuts. From this grew, an on-line market that brings you great foods from many farms, at a reasonable price without you having to make the trip to multiple farms.

Food for thought.
We are told to consume local honey to build our immunity to allergins in our area. I can’t help but believe that that same theory applies to food as well. The dirt you walk on contains minerals and nutrients indigenous to your area, the mineral content of soil in North Georgia is differnet from that of South Georgia and certainly of Chile, China, or Canada. Does it not stand to reason that eating local food grown from local dirt would be more beneficial to our bodies?
Beyond health, your choice to purchase produce and other items from local growers provides stability to your local economy through the support of local businesses.
Supporting a way of life: The number of small farms in the United States has decreased dramatically in the last decade. Please help us preserve an honest and worthy means of making a living. We believe that small, diverse, family-owned farms contribute to society’s overall health.
Membership Fees
Customer and membership fees cover the cost of operating the market, market manager, transportation, and web store. You are welcome to try us for two orders before you pay the membership. An annual fee of $25 per household per calendar year will automatically be added to your third order.
Ordering Options
Unlike other co-ops, buying clubs, or CSAs where everyone gets the same box of stuff (and you don’t know what you’re getting until you get it), with Locally Grown you get to order what you want, in the quantities that you want, from the farms that you want. The weekly email lists the meats, produce, dairy products, and artisan goods available that week. Please browse the items on this website before you place your order.
Other Important Items
Placing Orders
Each Friday morning, a list of available products is sent by e-mail, to everyone with an account here. Customers must place their order for the week any time after that email goes out, but no later than Monday at 8:00 p.m. Orders are placed here on our website. Should you have a problem logging in or checking out, please contact
Growers receive their orders that same night and harvest on Tuesday.
Picking Up Orders
Your order will be available for pick-up on Wednesday from 12-4 at Joyful Noise Acres Farm. The address is 620 Allison Lane, Ball Ground, GA. Once you get to Allison Lane, just follow the signs to Joyful Noise Acres Farm.
Gift Certificates are available! If you would like to purchase a gift of health and flavor, please consider a Locally Grown gift certificate. You can decide the amount and the recipient can purchase locally grown produce without having to pay membership fees!